"From Ancient Ways to Future Love"
Meet Our Incredible Speakers for the 2025 Tribe Event
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Meet Our Incredible Speakers for the 2025 Tribe Event
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Bill Homann
Steward of the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull Speaking Friday afternoon As a young Sergeant in the United States Air Force Stationed in Panama in the early 1970’s, Bill learned of F.A. Mitchell-Hedges and his exploits and discoveries in Belize (British Honduras in the 1920’s). He continued his research until he finally met Anna Mitchell-Hedges and the famed Crystal Skull in late 1970’s. He has spent the rest of his life learning to care for and work with the Crystal Skull. In 2007 he became the Legal Guardian of the Skull when Anna passed. He has been all over the world with the Skull, working with Aborigines, Maya and Native Indigenous Elders to raise the understanding and consciousness of humanity. You can find Bill at: Bill Homann and the Mitchell Hedges Crystal Skull |
Candice Powers
Friday Morning "Crossing the Millennial Threshold: The 4th Turning in the Age of Awareness" Candice is a numerologist with a background in music, transpersonal psychology, mysticism and healing with sound frequency. Formally trained in transpersonal counseling psychology with a concentration in psychological science, she also studied synesthesia and worked in EEG neurofeedback and Rife research technologies. Candice has over 35 years of practical experience as a professional numerology counselor as well as teaching and lecturing on the esoteric science of numbers. Other areas of focus include Tibetan shamanism, the ancient and original Enneagram teachings and UFO/UAP research and experience. You can find Candace at: Blue Lotus Numerology or Blue Lotus Transpersonal Therapy |